
How Much Website Traffic To Make Money

It'southward been seven years since I started my kickoff web log.

From the beginning to today, a frequent question I've asked is, "How much traffic does a website demand to make money?"

As the years accept passed and I've become a professional, naturally my answers and the question's significant has evolved. Too my definition of "making money" looks entirely different.

Whether you're a new blogger who wants to start seeing money, or a million dollar business that wants to better monetize its traffic to hit viii- or 9-figures, this one's for you.

Read this to unlock how many page views y'all truly need to start making major coin from your site.

Why Is Website Traffic Important?

Earlier we respond the principal question, allow'southward constitute the basics. A general rule is more traffic produces more money for a business.

Now it would be wonderful if every visitor becomes a client. But no 1's that lucky.
The reality is, well-nigh websites only have between i-three% conversion rates from their website traffic.

So if 100 visitors meet your production page, odds are merely 1-3 are giving their hard earned money to y'all.

What are the other 97-99% doing? Clicking away without ownership.

Your website is as well an information hub for all things about your company and what value you offer to consumers.

If people don't visit your website, odds are they won't be aware of your make, let alone know what you offer. And if they don't know what you offer, they can't buy what y'all offering.

How To Track Traffic

How much traffic does a website need to make money

Since we've established your traffic is tied at the hip to your website revenue produced, you must know how much traffic your site is generating.

To achieve this, use the trusted industry tool, and information technology's a free one, Google Analytics.

By integrating your site with Google Analytics, you at present accept accurate data measuring:

  • Number of users who visited your site
  • Pages they viewed
  • Bounce charge per unit
  • Session elapsing

Apply this tool to track progress and make sure you're seeing consistent positive results.

If you see that your traffic is dropping, y'all can exist proactive and analyze what the trouble is to reduce the time you come across decreasing numbers.

Your long term goals should always be to increment your website traffic, as the money will surely follow.

Now it'south fourth dimension to answer what yous've been waiting for: How much traffic does a website need to make money?

How To Track Website Income

The next sections intermission downwards how to make money from your site.

Before we get into the calculations, y'all demand to know your company's cost per click (CPC) and click through rate (CTR) to plug into the equations.

A price per click is how much you become charged for paid advertising. This is the amount that you are paid by the ad platform you apply, each time someone clicks an ad on your site.

A CTR is a click through rate. A click through rate is the percentage rate of visitors that saw and clicked your advertizing divided past those who saw it and didn't click.

In one case y'all know these, yous tin plug them into the following equations to observe your estimated traffic you need to generate.

Traffic Needed To Brand Money From Ads

Nosotros decided on setting the first bar at $iii,000 a month, which comes out to $100 a day.
This a standard bacon for an individual that would permit them to replace their full-fourth dimension job with building their online business.

There are different factors that touch the corporeality of traffic yous will demand to generate $100 a day. In our offset case, we're only assuming you're using an ad platform like Adsense to make coin.

However, having others products or services and the price yous sell them for is a large cistron that determines the traffic you need to make coin.

Besides blogging to become ad money, you lot likely also offer products or services like ebooks, courses, or individual coaching. These as well are factors that determine the corporeality of traffic you need to make money.

Beneath is a model assuming you're needing to make $3,000 a month and are only using ads to monetize your site.

Footstep One

The first step is to figure out how many clicks gets the states to our goal of $100 a day ($3,000 a month).

To find this, you need to use this equation: coin desired / CPC. Say my CPC is $two per click.

The number of clicks I need to generate is $100/$2, which is 50 clicks.

Step Two

The next step is to determine the total traffic you need for $100 per day.

To notice this, yous need to employ this equation: number of clicks / CTR. The number of clicks figure comes from step one.

Say my CTR is 2%.

The full traffic I need per day to generate $100 would exist 50 / 0.02, which comes out to two,500 visitors.

I demand 2500 visitors per twenty-four hours to my website to generate $100 a twenty-four hour period.

Stride 3

The last step is to detect the full traffic you demand to generate per calendar month to get to our goal.

To detect this, you need to use this equation: number of visitors per 24-hour interval multiplied by number of days in a calendar month.

For the sake of consistency, nosotros use 30 days for the number of days in a month.

The number of visitors per day comes from the equation in step 2.

For this case, the full traffic needed to generate per month is 2,500*30 which becomes 75,000 visitors to your site per month.

Remember, these are estimates and the number of traffic needed for your business depends on your ain CPC and CTR figures.

Traffic Needed For A 6-Effigy Business

Depending on how much you charge for products will determine how much traffic yous need to generate a 6-effigy profit. Like the rule the more traffic by and large means more money, a higher sales price for your products or services by and large makes information technology easier to generate a higher annual revenue.

For example, if you sell your products or services for $100, yous will demand to sell 1,000 units during the twelvemonth to generate a 6-figure profit.

Assuming your conversion rate is the average ii%, you demand to generate 1,000/0.02 or 50,000 visitors to your site.

That can exist overwhelming to look at. Even so, if you sell $1,000 products, you merely demand 5,000 visitors to your site, in this case.

Utilise this example to figure out how much traffic you will need to create a six-figure business.

This is an important exercise because what you sell and where you direct your traffic, to your own products or ads, truly determines what y'all make.

Traffic Needed For A seven-Figure Business organization

It's a unlike game evolving from a half-dozen-effigy business to a 7-figure one.

This is why Scott Oldford takes a different approach by stressing the importance of quality of leads over the quantity of leads.

Always recall this thought as your business matures.

To increment the quality of your leads, you lot need to understand the following:

  • Who your customer specifically is
  • What your customer needs
  • How you tin uniquely help your customer

Knowing these answers positions y'all  to win new business organization once visitors view your website.

Having fewer leads, besides means yous're filtering out the tire kickers and cheap prospective clients. So your sales team is only left to go ideal clients for what you offering.

Once they buy and enjoy having their problem solved past your business, a special matter happens. You'll gain loyal customers who continue coming dorsum to you, no matter if your business pivots over the years.

They will also promote your business website through word-of-mouth and social media to encourage their friends and colleagues to visit your visitor.

Having quality leads and truly understanding those leads will ultimately be what takes your business organisation from vi-figures to seven-figures.

Knowing all of this, how tin y'all increment your traffic? We're glad you asked.

Pro Tips To Gaining Traffic

Gaining website traffic.

There are ii main methods to gaining website traffic: organic methods and paid methods.

You tin can generate traffic organically with search engine optimization (SEO). This is done by using keywords to get your website to evidence upwardly at the superlative of Google for specific keyword searches.

Nosotros specialize in SEO and would love to help your business with gaining organic traffic.

You can also use paid advertisement to generate traffic to your website. This is paying to achieve your target audience on Google, Facebook, and Instagram. Nosotros likewise offer paid advertizement services. Paid ads are by far the quickest manner to become new leads and sales fast.

Know that you lot can't await to encounter firsthand results when you're trying to increase your website traffic organically.

Yous're entering a long-term mission that you should constantly be focusing and improving upon for weeks, months, and years.

Honestly, speaking from experience, it can take upwards of half-dozen months to encounter results from your efforts.

Simply have the patience, and six months from now you'll beginning to reap what you lot sowed.

Here are some pro tips to play the long game with generating website traffic and turning that into massive paydays.

1. Know Your Audition

Knowing who your audience is and their interests is extremely important to driving website traffic.

If you don't know who to market place to and where to find them, you will never generate website traffic.

Effigy out where your target spends most of their time and advertise your content at that place in the class of free content and ads.

Yous should besides know how people detect and share your content earlier you even create information technology.

Knowing this helps you create your content to conform to the platform where they're about active.

Another thought is to get in the habit of is to track your audience and how they change over time. Is your content meeting them where they are, and consistently?

2. Promote Existing Content

Don't forget about what you've already created!

Most of what you've produced is still relevant to your followers.

It'due south okay to promote existing content. Link to your past content in your new web log posts, share on all social media platforms, and exercise it again since social media is a place where information technology's fine to mail unlike content leading back to the aforementioned blog post.

Doing this volition directly the user to your site for information instead of your competitor's site.

iii. Focus On Leads Yous Already Accept

It tin can be easy to get defenseless up in the excitement of generating new traffic and leads.

Withal, retention is still a vital component to generating folio views and dollars.

Spending serious time figuring out what your existing customers and prospects demand is always a profitable exercise.

One successful manner we go along a pulse on our customers is request them iii questions.

Customer survey questions

Non only does this show you truly intendance, it brings new content and sales opportunities to the forefront. (You can ask prospects a different three questions to gauge their involvement level.)

When your customers say, "I've really been needing this, do you guys have annihilation similar that?" You can write a post on this topic, and then send information technology to that customer who will feel similar they have an entire blog mail service defended to them. That creates a special bond, and leads to sales.

Studies show when selling to customers y'all'll likely see about 65% of your existing customers buy your products compared to the estimated 10% of new customers.

You lot should be giving at least l% of your focus to this group considering they tin help you quickly increase your conversion rates.

SEO agency results.

4. Create A Resource Page

Creating a resource folio on your website undoubtedly increases traffic and builds relationships with peers.

A resources page is a folio on your site that is defended to recognizing websites, products and people that you feel your followers would be interested in.

Past linking these resources to your site and letting the creators know, you create positive relationships with others and build goodwill in your niche.

Reaching out to these people and saying you admire their work begins the process of creating a mutually beneficial relationship.

They will also ofttimes share your website considering they're featured on it. Once they share it, yous now have a segment of their followers who will visit your site.

Now that'due south how you spread value and create momentum for your business concern.

5. Create Collaborative Posts

This is some other way to build relationships with others in your manufacture.

Y'all probably know by now how good blogs are for business concern. If you don't, publishing new content for your audience should be a huge office of your marketing strategy.

A roundup mail, still, might non exist a part of your content strategy.

Gather upwards some people in your manufacture, the bigger presence these people take the better, and enquire if they would exist interested in writing a pocket-size section for a big web log post. They will get a feature during their section to show your followers where to find them.

If they agree, they're likely to share the post considering they wrote a piece of it. Once they share it, your website is now exposed to their following.

Every fourth dimension yous do a roundup post, relationships blossom, traffic spikes upward, and business development grows.

6. Repurpose Your Content

Ane thing a lot of website owners don't consider is many people take different preferences for how they eat content.

But producing content on one medium is a big error and leaves massive gaps in reaching entire customer segments.

The good news is that you can take content that y'all have posted on one medium and repurpose it to be posted on some other medium.

For instance, you can accept a blog post you wrote and repurpose it as a podcast episode. Now you're reaching a market of people that prefer to get their content on blogs and people that prefer to get their content through podcasts.

Or copy what we do for our customer and friend Dr. David Puder. He records a podcast and so nosotros repurpose the audio and add a waveform move graphic to serve his YouTube audience.

Repurpose podcast content

Same amount of piece of work for him, with double the distribution.

Increasing your presence on different platforms is one of the most constructive ways to generate more website traffic.

vii. Plow Emails Into New Traffic

For nearly businesses, getting people to sign up for their email lists is the first footstep in converting them to a customer.

You tin also use your emails to generate traffic to your website by sharing new content in a newsletter and creating an email signature that links to your site.

The link can exist a landing page to a product you're trying to promote, a recent weblog mail you created or simply the homepage of your website.

And your signature can change equally the products you promote change and the blogs you post update.

These are simply a few methods to generate traffic to your website. For more, check out our 20 tips to increasing traffic.


Now yous accept a better thought of how much traffic does a website need to brand money.

Recall, this exact number will be unique to your business and goals.

If you need help in ranking on Google and getting prospective customers to visit your site, you're going to dearest our SEO services. We've made customers and ourselves millions of dollars by ranking their website at the top of Google.

Either way, expert luck creating those long term goals and seeing your website traffic soar!

What's your all-time tip for getting traffic to your website?


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